Rotary Shaft Seal Testing

Machine for rotary shaft seal testing.

More than just analysis

If your product needs a physical test, we can provide it. Our in-house rig setup allows us to test seals to understand any inadequacies and potential improvements that may need to be considered.

We are able to test up to 24k RPM, but always provide bespoke testing based on the requirements of your seal. Our team emulate realistic conditions that your seal will be under to better understand its qualities and offer a deeper knowledge of any areas for improvement or fundamental inadequacies.

Why use us

With an in-house team that has helped brands all over the world, we’ve got the experience that means you can trust us to not skip any steps and deliver accurate, reliable testing for your product.

Our testing is fully bespoke depending on your requirements. We prioritise offering testing that emulates real-life conditions for your product, ensuring it is reliable and long-lasting.

It’s our commitment to complete testing fast and not hold up your project. Partnering with us allows you to keep your project moving forward and not be held back by

Rotary shaft seal testing machine.

Got a question?
We’re here to help.

Your problem needs a solution. It’s our job to find it and keep your project moving forwards. Talk to an expert today and take the first step.

+44(0)7756 515 772

Unit 29 - 30, Southbrook Road, Southampton S015 1GQ

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